
The College of Law at the University of Babylon was founded in 1988 and opened its doors to first-year students in 1988-1989 with 169 students. This number doubled annually until the number of male and female students at the end of the academic year 2010/2011 reached approximately 1200. Its college members were chosen when it was founded from the College of Law at the University of Saad.

Since its founding in 2013-2014, the institution has used the academic year system, in which students study for four years. The college implemented the semester system in 2014-2015, in which students study a given curriculum over eight semesters.

The first batch of college students graduated in 1991/1992, with 115 graduates; after many years of hard work, the number has climbed to 244 for 2019-2020.

The College of Law is one of the colleges with only one department.

The Department of Law is composed of two divisions.

  • Public Law Department.
  • Private Law Department.